A legend says an old Caddo chief living along the Sabine River had twin sons: one with blonde hair and blue eyes, and one with brown hair and brown eyes. When they grew to manhood, they were ready to lead their tribes. The chief sent one son 3 days west toward the setting sun, and the other he sent three days east toward the rising sun. The son who went west was Nacogdoches. The son who went east was Natchitoches, who formed the Louisiana settlement. The brothers remained friendly and grew their villages. The road connecting the two was well-traveled and became the eastern end of the El Camino Real or Old San Antonio Road.
Nacogdoches, today the oldest town in Texas, is in the Pineywoods of East Texas. It is known as one of Texas’s most historic towns and attracts visitors with its rich heritage — and being home to Stephen F. Austin State University, it keeps an eye on the future. Here are my favorite experiences in Nacogdoches, Texas.